Weekly Analysis Report |
The report presents the analysis for Marriott Campaigns in US and provides the bird's-eye view and performance related insights with respect to different States, Divisions etc. For more details and forecasted results, please refer Performance Dashboard! |
Overall Campaign StatsThe figure on right shows the Campaign trend on daily basis. Please refer some stats based on graph,
Campaigns Compared to Last WeekThe figure on right shows the Campaigns for each state with respect to previous week. The number on each state shows the percentage increase or decrease in Campaigns compared to last week. Please refer more observation below,
Campaigns Compared to 2019The figure on left shows the Campaigns for each state with respect to 2019. The number on each state shows the increase or decrease in Campaigns compared to 2019. Please refer more observation below,
Campaigns for Each States YTDThe pie chart on right shows the Campaigns percentage for each state for 2021 YTD. Please refer more observation below,
Campaigns : Division Based AnalysisThe figure shows per day Campaign for each year for all divisions in USA. Here are few observations from this..
Thank you for your time. Please revert in case of any suggestions or query. |